Thursday, April 17, 2014

The CRTC and Porn, or How Many Double Entendres Can Fit in One Post

It’s old news by internet standards, but recently the CRTC was in the headlines for issuing notice against a few adult video cable channels.  The problem?  Among other things, not enough Canadian Content.  So the CRTC is telling those channels they need to include more Canadian porn in their programming or risk losing their license. 

Naturally, this elicited howls of laughter, and more beaver jokes than I care to recall.  But there is a serious issue with this, so let’s not beat around the bush.

The CRTC is DEMANDING the increased sexual exploitation of Canadian women and men. 

I’m going to focus on women here, as porn is often discussed in and around the issue of women’s rights.  The debates typically end up running in circles.  One side argues porn is an exploitation of women by the oppressive male patriarchy.  The other says porn is just another way women can freely exercise their sexual liberty.  The two camps beat each senseless other until someone sane locks things down or Goodwin’s Law finally gets invoked. 

So is porn freedom or oppression?  Liberty, or exploitation?  Simply (well, maybe not simply, but), it’s both.  No matter how freely you choose to enter pornography, doing so means your body and sex are being exploited to make someone money.  In short, you are being pimped. 

Curiously this is happening just after the Supreme Court struck down some of the laws surrounding prostitution, forcing a major rethink on how we approach it.  So we have the situation where the government is asking how do we protect women and reduce prostitution while at the same time a bureaucracy is demanding more women be paid not only to have sex, but to have it recorded and broadcast around the country.  On top of that, this same bureaucracy is responsible for ensuring other TV broadcasters do not show sexually explicit or exploitative material.  And this of course is all on top of the general concerns about how women are portrayed in media in general, and how that influences our society. In short, 


The government’s role is to protect people from exploitation, not force people into it.  I understand the reasoning for Canadian Content rules and how they are meant to help develop and promote Canadian cultural content.  These rules should be removed for porn channels.  Pornography and sexual exploitation are not a part of Canadian culture we should be developing.  

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Translink - So Wrong and So Right

Via Daryl vs World's No Credit for Translink series, I found some links to Tranlink's 2012 Bus Performance Review.  In my Skytrain Reliability post, I complain loudly and frequently about the opacity of Skytrain performance metrics.  This Bus Performance review is the polar opposite of what I found for the Skytrain systems.

A 10 page document explaining how each measurement is taken, how each metric is calculated, and what assumptions are going into each?  HELL YES!  How they manage to get it so wrong on Skytrain and so right with the buses further 'asplodes my brain.